2014년 10월 25일 토요일

First Draft

As the material circumstances of people has been improved, the mental values becomes considered as important. Among a variety of emotional values, most people consider love to be the greatest and most powerful one. The importance of love has been emphasized throughout the human's history. Mahatma Gandhi(1869 - 1948) said that power based on love is a thousand times more effective and permanent than the one derived from fear of punishment. Also Jim Morrison mentioned about love like this - "...That's what real love amounts to - letting a person be what he really is." The power of love makes people unbelievably stronger, inspired, incredibly happy, deathly sorrowful, and even takes their own lives or murder others. Undeniably, love exerts a strong influence on human. Therefore, people should know how to cultivate the emotion to the true meaning by practicing it, not considering it as a temporarily consumed type.
Nonetheless, most contemporary men do not seem to know how to love someone a long while and desirably. They tend not to be able to improve the emotion of love, and the tendency of the people is towards take it lightly. According to an article about social indicator in Korea,(2002) divorce rate in Korea is three times more than 10 years ago. Under this circumstance, I suggest that in order to love someone successfully, you should keep these two terms: to keep pace with your lover, and to communicate constantly with him. This essay analyses why you should keep pace with your lover scientifically. Then it explores the necessity of communication, and proper conversational skills.

What will be used mainly in this essay were formed by Einstein, a German-born theoretical physicist and philosopher of science. He received the 1921 Nobel Prize in Physics "for his services to theoretical physics, and especially for his discovery of the law of the photoelectric effect", and his intellectual achievements and originality have made the word "Einstein" synonymous with genius.
Here the concepts:
1. Relativity of simultaneity: Two events, simultaneous for one observer, may not be simultaneous for another observer if the observers are in relative motion.
2. Time dilation: Moving clocks are measured to tick more slowly than an observer's "stationary" clock.
3. The laws of physics are the same for all observers in uniform motion relative to one another (principle of relativity).
This is the brief theoretical background of my thesis. Then let's turn our eyes to the importance of communication in long-term romantic relationship. Many people have accentuated the necessity of interaction with the significant others.
Psychologists stay that the intoxicating feeling of being in love lasts only about 18 months to three years at most; however, a study conducted by psychologist Bianca Acevedo and biological anthropologist Helen Fisher found that it's possible to keep love alive in a long-term relationship. The key was continuous communication.
Other studies have proven that a good relationship offers medical benefits of lower stress levels, reduced risk of Alzheimer's, and even improves cancer survival rates.
Furthermore, Joshua Uebergang emphasized the importance of communication, saying "Communication is the relationship. Communication connects people. You can do neither when communication is nonexistent." in his essay. And Marie Willsey also mentioned on it like this: "How do you keep romance alive? If there's a special person in your life, you know how important good communication is to staying close and keeping the fires of passion burning. Good communication skills are essential, whether you've been together for two months or 32 years."

Given the views of various figures, the conditions of lasting romantic relationship is "interaction". Relationship is not formed only with passion and love of either only one side, and the absence of communication and care toward each other exacerbates it. Love for one another should be done at the same time, and if it does not pass to each other, relationship cannot be developed into a preferred relationship.
The problem is that people are not loving each other at the same time. They tend to believe that they themselves are in love with one another in contemporary period. Of course, it is just illusion. In accordance with Einstein’s “Theory of Relativity”, as I mentioned, two events, simultaneous for one observer, may not be simultaneous for another observer if the observers are in relative motion(Relativity of simultaneity). This is related to time dilation, in which moving clocks are measured to tick more slowly than an observer's "stationary" clock. And in his vision of universe, the laws of physics are the same for all observers in uniform motion relative to one another(principle of relativity).
Let's apply this theoretical information to romantic relationship. When it is applied on actual practical life, it emphasizes the necessity of keeping pace with each other. The 'pace' here can be applied on anything in real life. Starting from speed of a physical step, to the rate of all mental communion, to the timing of marriage and sex, in each field, if either one is faster or cannot keep up with the speed of the other side, their love is unable to be present at the same time anymore. Misaligned love flows the parallel line, and the arrow of love toward each other can not reach them.
Let's take a look at the lyrics accentuating the importance of keeping pace with one another.
I know that you've been calling me / And I'm happy that we met
Don't think that I'm not interested / I'm just playing hard to get 
So much about this crazy game they call love / That I'm trying to understand
so could you be my best friend / Before you call yourself my man 
Why can't I love you in slow motion / Take my time
Take away the pressure on my mind / Really get to know you
But rewind / Wanna love you in slow motion / Why can't I 
You seem to know just what you want / And I like your confidence
Some things a girl should never rush / Cause if you do you hurt yourself 
. . . 
I'm too young for tears in the night / And it's too soon for this to be right
Don't wanna mess with your pride / The question is not when but why 
. . . 
- 'slow motion', by Karina(First Love, 2008.09.02).
But how to keep pace with the significant other? In other words, how can I know my partner's pace before conflict? The answer, of course, is continuous communication. When sticking to only the self-righteous opinions of themselves in the absence of interaction the difference between the rate of each other occurs, which would violate their time zone. As already stated in the narration part, dialogue is necessary in the successful continuation of relation, and accounts for a significant proportion. In this sense, the challenge given to all couples is to know how to do appropriate conversation and practice it.
Various views on the ways have already been presented by many previous studies, and I have only selected three commonly highlighted methods among those.
The first step is related to speaking skill. It is to make it habit of using "I" or "me" statements. Don't start an argument off by accusing your partner of making a mistake. If you say, "You always..." or "You never..." then your partner's guard will be up and he'll be less likely to listen to your perspective. Instead, say something like, "I've noticed that..." or "Lately, I've been feeling like..." Making the discussion centered around your feelings will make your partner feel less like he's being castigated and more like he's part of a productive discussion.
The second one, perhaps the most important step, is to listen to your partner. The necessity of listening have already been highlighted throughout the history. According to Bryant H. McGill, "one of the most sincere forms of respect is actually listening to what another has to say", and also, there is an old maxim from native Americans: "listen, or your tongue will make you deaf." John M. Grohol also has included 'listening' into his steps to better communication.
To listen to your significant other is not difficult at all. Just put yourself in your partner's place. Use the power of imagination to fully envision what your partner's perspective might be in a given situation. Be aware that there might be factors you don't know about. When he or she is talking, putting yourself in his shoes can help you understand why your behavior, or the situation at hand, may be frustrating for him. When you're angry or upset, it's hard to see past your side of the argument, but this technique can actually help you reach a resolution faster.
The last step is to keep the peace. The factors affecting to proceeding conversation in a calm manner are various. First of all, you should just keep as calm as you can. Though you may not be able to be cool, the calmer you are, the more easily you will be able to express your feelings. So, if you're feeling furious in the middle of a conversation, or even livid before you bring up the issue, take a breather until you feel calm enough to start a productive discussion. Speak in a slow, even tone to articulate your ideas. Also, to maintain positive body language is necessary. Having positive body language can help set a positive tone to the discussion. Look your partner in the eyes and turn your body to him. You can use your arms to gesture, but don't move them so wildly that you start getting out of control. Don't cross your arms over your chest or your partner will feel that you are already closed off to what he has to say. Lastly, let him finish. Though he may say something completely outrageous or something that you feel like you just have to correct, don't jump in and interrupt him right in the middle of the discussion. Make a mental note of a point you want to address later and let your partner say everything he has to say. When he's done, it'll be your turn to respond, and then you can address his points one by one.

Evidently, this essay takes an unconventional view and was being developed uniquely, so plenty of people are expected to refute my position. One of the probable counterarguments is that this one has scientific error.
Velocity ​​of the observer must be nearing the speed of light in order to observe a noticeable effect of relativity of simultaneity. To carry my point I have applied the special theory of relativity, however, a discrepancy between the time is be able to happen only under the assumption that time dilation occurs. It can be seen the observation on such an effect in the daily life is almost impossible for this reason. Furthermore, in the strict sense, the concept of "motion" in Einstein's theory only means the physical movement, not include the pace of mental communion, or the timing of marriage and sex. Therefore, my opinion can sound like a sophism. Of course, these arguments are all shortsighted and overlook one of the ways to develop an essay: analogy, a comparison between two objects, or systems of objects, that highlights respects in which they are thought to be similar. Analogies are widely recognized as playing an important heuristic role, as aids to discovery. They have been employed, in a wide variety of settings and with considerable success, to generate insight and to formulate possible solutions to problems.
According to Joseph Priestley, a pioneer in chemistry and electricity,
analogy is our best guide in all philosophical investigations; and all discoveries, which were not made by mere accident, have been made by the help of it. (1769/1966: 14)
And the reason I suggested the Einstein's theory of relativity as the rationale of this essay, of course, was the purpose to give a convincing and novelty in my argument, using deployment method called analogy. Consequently, the claim that my opinion is wrong because it has error scientifically cannot make a sense in this case.

The modern society is becoming more and more deserted as it becomes progressive, and ​​under such context a trend that emphasizes the importance of the spiritual values spreads. Especially because the emotion of love is with a large force, we need to know for sure how to deal with it. However, judging by higher divorce rates and shorter dating period of modern society, people are seen to be unaware of the exact method. When the trend to downplay the spiritual values ​​in society becomes rampant, and the members of society are unable to utilize them properly, that society will be full of violence and cruelty, eventually sliding into catastrophe.
Process needed to cultivate love is not difficult or complex. The answer is ongoing communication and care, which would be the respect to each other, keeping pace of one another. I sincerely hope that more and more people realize this, and practice it. I believe, if so, that our society will be able to become emotionally richer, more desirable community than now.

First Draft Conclusion

The modern society is becoming more and more deserted as it becomes progressive, and ​​under such context a trend that emphasizes the importance of the spiritual values spreads. Especially because the emotion of love is with a large force, we need to know for sure how to deal with it. However, judging by higher divorce rates and shorter dating period of modern society, people are seen to be unaware of the exact method. When the trend to downplay the spiritual values ​​in society becomes rampant, and the members of society are unable to utilize them properly, that society will be full of violence and cruelty, eventually sliding into catastrophe.
Process needed to cultivate love is not difficult or complex. The answer is ongoing communication and care, which would be the respect to each other, keeping pace of one another. I sincerely hope that more and more people realize this, and practice it. I believe, if so, that our society will be able to become emotionally richer, more desirable community than now.

Research: 10/25 Analogy and Analogical Reasoning

Analogy and Analogical Reasoning: http://plato.stanford.edu/entries/reasoning-analogy/
Analogy as literary device: http://literarydevices.net/analogy/

My Thesis
in order to love someone successfully, you should keep these two terms: to keep pace with your lover, and to communicate constantly with him.

What I hope to learn from this source:
I need the reason to counter the refutation that my essay has the scientific errors.

An analogy is a comparison in which an idea or a thing is compared to another thing that is quite different from it. It aims at explaining that idea or thing by comparing it to something that is familiar.
1. Life is like a race. The one who keeps running wins the race and the one who stops to catch a breath loses.
2. Just as a sword is the weapon of a warrior, a pen is the weapon of a writer.
3. How a doctor diagnoses diseases is like how a detective investigates crimes.
4. Just as a caterpillar comes out of its cocoon, so we must come out of our comfort zone.
5. You are as annoying as nails on a chalkboard.

Final Thoughts:
What will be the second refutation?

Research: 10/25 The Special Theory of Relativity

  1. The Information about Special Theory of Relativity: http://blog.naver.com/tkdguq88/90026383586
  2. The Relativity of Simultaneity: https://www.fourmilab.ch/documents/RelativityOfSimultaneity/
My Topic:
in order to love someone successfully, you should keep these two terms: to keep pace with your lover, and to communicate constantly with him.

What I hope to learn from this source:

I want to research the reasons of my opponents. I thought that they can refute my essay pointing out the scientific error in my essay.

  1. 이것이 우리의 상식과 직관에 반하는 이유는 실제 생활에서 이러한 현상을 관찰하기 어렵기 때문이다. 동시성의상대성 효과를 확연하게 알아보기 위해서는 관측자의 속도가 빛에 속도에 가까워야 한다. 일상생활에서 경험할 수 있는 빠른 속도는 비행기를 탔을 때지만 그 것도 빛의 속도에는 크게 미치지 못하기 때문에 동시성의 상대성 효과를 보기 힘들다. 실제로는 동시성의 상대성 현상을 정확하게 재현한 것은 아니지만 빠르게 움직이는 제트기 안에서 시간이 느리게 간다는 사실을 확인하는 실험이 있었다. 하지만, 이러한 사실들은 특수상대론에 의한 시간지연 효과가 있다고 가정한 다음에 일어난 실험이다. 일상생활의 관찰에서 이러한 효과를 볼 수 있는 것은 거의 불가능하다. 만약에 동시성의 상대성 효과나, 시간지연, 길이 수축 같은 현상이 우리 주변에 비일비재 하다면 우리는 상식과 직관을 통해서 동시성의 상대성 현상을 쉽게 받아 들일 수 있을 것이다. 우리의 상식과 직관의 형성에는 뉴턴의 고전역학도 중요한 부분을 차지하고 있다. 상식과 직관은 우리가 경험하는 감각적인 사실로부터 나오는데 일상생활 혹은 실험의 경험과 일치하는 고전역학이 결국 우리가 생각하는 상식과 직관에 일맥상통 할 수박에 없다.
  2. Speed ​​of the observer must be the same as the speed of light in order to observe a noticeable effect of relativity concurrency. However, this experiment is the fact they happened at a home next time there is a delay effect of special relativity. It can be seen such an effect on the observation of the daily life is almost impossible.
  3. One of the most fundamental deductions Albert Einstein made from the finite speed of light in his theory of special relativity is the relativity of simultaneity—because light takes a finite time to traverse a distance in space, it is not possible to define simultaneity with respect to a universal clock shared by all observers. In fact, purely due to their locations in space, two observers may disagree about the order in which two spatially separated events occurred. It is only because the speed of light is so great compared to distances we are familiar with in everyday life that this effect seems unfamiliar to us. Note that the relativity of simultaneity can be purely due to the finite speed of light; while it is usually discussed in conjunction with special relativity and moving observers, it can be observed in situations where none of the other relativistic effects are present.
Final Thoughts:
I should prepare the counterargument to this, and research another refutation to my essay.

First Draft Refutation and Concession

Evidently, this essay takes an unconventional view and was being developed uniquely, so plenty of people are expected to refute my position. One of the probable counterarguments is that this one has scientific error.
Velocity ​​of the observer must be nearing the speed of light in order to observe a noticeable effect of relativity of simultaneity. To carry my point I have applied the special theory of relativity, however, a discrepancy between the time is be able to happen only under the assumption that time dilation occurs. It can be seen the observation on such an effect in the daily life is almost impossible for this reason. Furthermore, in the strict sense, the concept of "motion" in Einstein's theory only means the physical movement, not include the pace of mental communion, or the timing of marriage and sex. Therefore, my opinion can sound like a sophism. Of course, these arguments are all shortsighted and overlook one of the ways to develop an essay: analogy, a comparison between two objects, or systems of objects, that highlights respects in which they are thought to be similar. Analogies are widely recognized as playing an important heuristic role, as aids to discovery. They have been employed, in a wide variety of settings and with considerable success, to generate insight and to formulate possible solutions to problems.
According to Joseph Priestley, a pioneer in chemistry and electricity,

analogy is our best guide in all philosophical investigations; and all discoveries, which were not made by mere accident, have been made by the help of it. (1769/1966: 14)
And the reason I suggested the Einstein's theory of relativity as the rationale of this essay, of course, was the purpose to give a convincing and novelty in my argument, using deployment method called analogy. Consequently, the claim that my opinion is wrong because it has error scientifically cannot make a sense in this case.

Research: 10/25 The Importance of Listening

The Importance of Listening

My Thesis
in order to love someone successfully, you should keep these two terms: to keep pace with your lover, and to communicate constantly with him.

What I hope to learn from this source:
I want to search some maxims which highlights the importance of listening so that support my essay.


Final Thoughts:
Not only good quotes, I will find some scientific studies how the listening makes relationship better.

2014년 10월 24일 금요일

Research: 10/25 9 Steps to Better Communication Today

9 Steps to Better Communication Today
My Thesis
in order to love someone successfully, you should keep these two terms: to keep pace with your lover, and to communicate constantly with him.

What I hope to learn from this source:
I hope to provide ways to communicate better in the romantic relationship.

1. Stop and listen.
How many times have you heard someone say this or read this in an article about communication skills? How hard is it to actually do when you’re “in the moment?” Harder than it sounds. When we’re knee deep within a serious discussion or argument with our significant other, it’s hard to put aside our point for the moment and just listen. We’re often so afraid of not being heard, we rush to keep talking. Ironically, such behavior makes it all the more likely we won’t be heard.
2. Force yourself to hear.
You’ve stopped talking for the moment, but your head is still swirling with all of the things you want to say, so you’re still not really hearing what is being said. Laugh all you want, but therapists have a technique that works very well that “forces” them to really hear what a client tells them — rephrasing what a person has just said to them (called “reflection”).
This may upset a partner if you do it too much, or do it in a tone that suggests you’re mocking rather than trying to seriously listen. So use the technique sparingly, and let your partner know why you’re doing it if they ask — “Sometimes I don’t think I’m getting what you’re telling me, and doing this lets me slow my mind down a bit and really try and hear what you’re saying.”
3. Be open and honest with your partner.
Some people have never been very open to others in their life. Heck, some people might not even know themselves, or know much about their own real needs and desires. But to be in a relationship is to take a step toward opening up your life and opening up yourself.
Little lies turn into big lies. Hiding your emotions behind a cloak of invincibility might work for you, but won’t work for most others. Pretending everything is alright isn’t alright. And giving your partner the silent treatment is about as useful as a fish with a bicycle. In the desert. At night. These things may have “worked” for you in the past, but they are all barriers to good communication.
Being open means talking about things you may have never talked about with another human being before in your life. It means being vulnerable and honest with your partner, completely and unabashedly. It means opening yourself up to possible hurt and disappointment. But it also means opening yourself up to the full potential of all a relationship can be.
4. Pay attention to nonverbal signals.
Most of our communication with one another in any friendship or relationship isn’t what we say, but how we say it. Nonverbal communication is your body language, the tone of your voice, its inflection, eye contact, and how far away you are when you talk to someone else. Learning to communicate better means that you need to learn how to read these signals as well as hear what the other person is saying. Reading your partner’s nonverbal signals takes time and patience, but the more you do it, the more attuned you will be to what they’re really saying, such as:
Folded arms in front of a person may mean they’re feeling defensive or closed off.
Lack of eye contact may mean they’re not really interested in what you’re saying, are ashamed of something, or find it difficult to talk about something.
Louder, more aggressive tone may mean the person is escalating the discussion and is becoming very emotionally involved. It might also suggest they feel like they’re not being heard or understood.
Someone who’s turned away from you when talking to you may mean disinterest or being closed off.
All the while you’re reading your partner’s nonverbal signals, be aware of your own. Make and maintain eye contact, keep a neutral body stance and tone to your voice, and sit next to the person when you’re talking to them.
5. Stay focused in the here and now.
Sometimes discussions turn into arguments, that can then morph into a discussion about everything and the kitchen sink. To be respectful of one another and the relationship, you should try and keep the discussion (or argument) focused to the topic at hand. While it’s easy to get in the cheap shots or bring up everything that an argument seems to call for, just don’t. If the argument is ostensibly about who’s making dinner tonight, keep it that topic. Don’t veer off down the country road of who does what in the house, who’s responsible for child rearing, and by the way, who cleans the kitchen sink.

Final Thoughts:
I have found the proper communication skills, so the important thing is how to persuade people to believe that those ways are necessary.
Also, there are lots of views of various figures, I should find common parts from their suggestion and provide them.

Research: 10/25 How to Communicate Better in a Relationship

How to Communicate Better in a Relationship

My Thesis
in order to love someone successfully, you should keep these two terms: to keep pace with your lover, and to communicate constantly with him.

What I hope to learn from this source:
I hope to provide ways to communicate better in the romantic relationship.

  1. Making Your Case: Learn to say what you mean, Use "I" or "me" statements, Keep as calm as you can, Maintain positive body language, Project your ideas with confidence, Have a game plan before you begin. 
  2. Listening to Your Partner: Put yourself in your partner's place, Allow your partner the freedom to work through internal conflicts, Give him or her your full attention, Let him finish, Mind the gap. 
  3. Building a Strong Foundation: Maintain intimacy, Learn to recognize when your partner is upset, Be proactive, Lighten up, Know when a conversation is no longer productive, Learn to compromise, Don't forget to appreciate each other.

Final Thoughts:
I have found the proper communication skills, so the important thing is how to persuade people to believe that those ways are necessary.

Research: 10/24 Lyrics of Slow Motion

Lyrics of Slow Motion

My Thesis
in order to love someone successfully, you should keep these two terms: to keep pace with your lover, and to communicate constantly with him.

What I hope to learn from this source:
I thought that when I use the lyrics of famous music, my essay will bring about more public sympathy from the reader.

I know that you've been calling me / And I'm happy that we met
Don't think that I'm not interested / I'm just playing hard to get

So much about this crazy game they call love / That I'm trying to understand

so could you be my best friend / Before you call yourself my man

Why can't I love you in slow motion / Take my time

Take away the pressure on my mind / Really get to know you
But rewind / Wanna love you in slow motion / Why can't I

You seem to know just what you want / And I like your confidence

Some things a girl should never rush / Cause if you do you hurt yourself

. . .

I'm too young for tears in the night / And it's too soon for this to be right

Don't wanna mess with your pride / The question is not when but why

. . .

- 'slow motion', by Karina(First Love, 2008.09.02).

Final Thoughts:
For the second thesis, I should find the proper communication skills.

2014년 10월 23일 목요일

First Draft Confirmation

Given the views of various figures, the conditions of lasting romantic relationship is "interaction". Relationship is not formed only with passion and love of either only one side, and the absence of communication and care toward each other exacerbates it. Love for one another should be done at the same time, and if it does not pass to each other, relationship cannot be developed into a preferred relationship.
The problem is that people are not loving each other at the same time. They tend to believe that they themselves are in love with one another in contemporary period. Of course, it is just illusion. In accordance with Einstein’s “Theory of Relativity”, as I mentioned, two events, simultaneous for one observer, may not be simultaneous for another observer if the observers are in relative motion(Relativity of simultaneity). This is related to time dilation, in which moving clocks are measured to tick more slowly than an observer's "stationary" clock. And in his vision of universe, the laws of physics are the same for all observers in uniform motion relative to one another(principle of relativity).
Let's apply this theoretical information to romantic relationship. When it is applied on actual practical life, it emphasizes the necessity of keeping pace with each other. The 'pace' here can be applied on anything in real life. Starting from speed of a physical step, to the rate of all mental communion, to the timing of marriage and sex, in each field, if either one is faster or cannot keep up with the speed of the other side, their love is unable to be present at the same time anymore. Misaligned love flows the parallel line, and the arrow of love toward each other can not reach them.
Let's take a look at the lyrics accentuating the importance of keeping pace with one another.

I know that you've been calling me / And I'm happy that we met
Don't think that I'm not interested / I'm just playing hard to get

So much about this crazy game they call love / That I'm trying to understand
so could you be my best friend / Before you call yourself my man

Why can't I love you in slow motion / Take my time
Take away the pressure on my mind / Really get to know you
But rewind / Wanna love you in slow motion / Why can't I

You seem to know just what you want / And I like your confidence
Some things a girl should never rush / Cause if you do you hurt yourself

. . .

I'm too young for tears in the night / And it's too soon for this to be right
Don't wanna mess with your pride / The question is not when but why

. . .

- 'slow motion', by Karina(First Love, 2008.09.02).

But how to keep pace with the significant other? In other words, how can I know my partner's pace before conflict? The answer, of course, is continuous communication. When sticking to only the self-righteous opinions of themselves in the absence of interaction the difference between the rate of each other occurs, which would violate their time zone. As already stated in the narration part, dialogue is necessary in the successful continuation of relation, and accounts for a significant proportion. In this sense, the challenge given to all couples is to know how to do appropriate conversation and practice it.
Various views on the ways have already been presented by many previous studies, and I have only selected three commonly highlighted methods among those.
The first step is related to speaking skill. It is to make it habit of using "I" or "me" statements. Don't start an argument off by accusing your partner of making a mistake. If you say, "You always..." or "You never..." then your partner's guard will be up and he'll be less likely to listen to your perspective. Instead, say something like, "I've noticed that..." or "Lately, I've been feeling like..." Making the discussion centered around your feelings will make your partner feel less like he's being castigated and more like he's part of a productive discussion.
The second one, perhaps the most important step, is to listen to your partner. The necessity of listening have already been highlighted throughout the history. According to Bryant H. McGill, "one of the most sincere forms of respect is actually listening to what another has to say", and also, there is an old maxim from native Americans: "listen, or your tongue will make you deaf." John M. Grohol also has included 'listening' into his steps to better communication.
To listen to your significant other is not difficult at all. Just put yourself in your partner's place. Use the power of imagination to fully envision what your partner's perspective might be in a given situation. Be aware that there might be factors you don't know about. When he or she is talking, putting yourself in his shoes can help you understand why your behavior, or the situation at hand, may be frustrating for him. When you're angry or upset, it's hard to see past your side of the argument, but this technique can actually help you reach a resolution faster.
The last step is to keep the peace. The factors affecting to proceeding conversation in a calm manner are various. First of all, you should just keep as calm as you can. Though you may not be able to be cool, the calmer you are, the more easily you will be able to express your feelings. So, if you're feeling furious in the middle of a conversation, or even livid before you bring up the issue, take a breather until you feel calm enough to start a productive discussion. Speak in a slow, even tone to articulate your ideas. Also, to maintain positive body language is necessary. Having positive body language can help set a positive tone to the discussion. Look your partner in the eyes and turn your body to him. You can use your arms to gesture, but don't move them so wildly that you start getting out of control. Don't cross your arms over your chest or your partner will feel that you are already closed off to what he has to say. Lastly, let him finish. Though he may say something completely outrageous or something that you feel like you just have to correct, don't jump in and interrupt him right in the middle of the discussion. Make a mental note of a point you want to address later and let your partner say everything he has to say. When he's done, it'll be your turn to respond, and then you can address his points one by one.

Research: 10/24 How to Make Romance Last: The truth about what keeps marriages together

How to Make Romance Last: The truth about what keeps marriages together

My Thesis
in order to love someone successfully, you should keep these two terms: to keep pace with your lover, and to communicate constantly with him.

What I hope to learn from this source:
I want to prove my argument scientifically, the importance of communication in romantic relationship.

Psychologists stay that the intoxicating feeling of being in love lasts only about 18 months to three years at most; however, a study conducted by psychologist Bianca Acevedo and biological anthropologist Helen Fisher found that it's possible to keep love alive in a long-term relationship. When the brains of a group of people in their fifties, who had been married an average of 21 years, were scanned after looking at a photo of their partner, they showed the same level of activity as young lovers who had been together for an average of seven months. There was one important difference, however: Among the older lovers, the brain regions associated with anxiety were no longer active; there was more activity in the areas associated with calmness.
Other studies have proven that a good relationship offers medical benefits of lower stress levels, reduced risk of Alzheimer's, and even improves cancer survival rates.
While there's no arguing the benefits of being in a happy relationship, how can you get - and stay - connected? Try these communication tips for romantic relationships and get closer to your loved one.

Final Thoughts:
The importance of communication is proved enough in my essay. Now, I should find the proper communication skills.

Research: 10/24 5 Communication Tips for Romantic Relationships

5 Communication Tips for Romantic Relationships
My Thesis
in order to love someone successfully, you should keep these two terms: to keep pace with your lover, and to communicate constantly with him.

What I hope to learn from this source:
I want to provide the reason why my argument is rational.

How do you keep romance alive? If there's a special person in your life, you know how important good communication is to staying close and keeping the fires of passion burning. Good communication skills are essential, whether you've been together for two months or 32 years.

Final Thoughts:
I should have more information compelling.

Research: 10/24 The Importance of Communication in Relationships, Love, and Romance

The Importance of Communication in Relationships, Love, and Romance

My Thesis
in order to love someone successfully, you should keep these two terms: to keep pace with your lover, and to communicate constantly with him.

What I hope to learn from this source:
I want to provide the reason why my argument is rational.

Communication is the relationship. Communication connects people. You can do neither when communication is nonexistent.
How do you maintain or build a strong relationship when you fail to communicate? You cannot. Just as a bridge connects two adjacent objects together, so does our verbal and nonverbal messages connect two people because a relationship literally means the shared connection. Long distance relationships often fail because of a lack of connection, but they can work because the two persons connect and communicate with one another (either that, or their previous connection was so strong it keeps them together).

Final Thoughts:
I should have more information compelling.